
Chain and Sprocket Publications

MPTA Documents on Chains & Sprockets


cover image of MPTA S1i-2023 bulletin

NEW:  MPTA S1i-2023 – Roller Chain and Sprocket Terminology

The transmission of mechanical power between parallel shafts can be achieved through the use of a roller chain and roller chain sprockets.  This informational bulletin provides a listing of commonly used terms as compiled by the members of the Chain and Sprocket industry.  It contains definitions of these terms as they apply to Roller Chain and Roller Chain Sprockets.


MPTA and the American Chain Association

MPTA is the custodian of these documents, originally prepared by the American Chain Association (ACA).  MPTA makes them available as a service to the industry.

An image of the instruction manual for connect, disconnect instructions for silent chain

Silent Chain Connect Disconnect

There are a number of industrial silent chain manufacturers in the United States and each produces different types of silent chain. Chains from different manufacturers differ in design and therefore should not be interconnected, nor should their parts be interchanged. These instructions illustrate and describe the procedures for connecting and disconnecting some of the most common silent chains. For information on chains not shown here consult the manufacturer.
An image of Connect and Disconnect Instructions for Engineer Steel and Cast Chains

Engineered Class Chain Connect Disconnect

The purpose of these Chain Connect-Disconnect Instructions is to provide the chain user with recommended methods for assembling and disassembling chain. Download
An image of the manual for Connect Disconnect instructions for ANSI B29.1 Roller Chains

Roller Chain Connect Disconnect

Since roller chain performance is dependent on interference fits of component parts, this Connect-Disconnect instruction has been developed to guide the individual working on the chain in the techniques that are considered by chain manufacturers to be safe while protecting the design integrity of the roller chain.
An image of the Improved Power Ratings for Single Strand Roller Chains

Roller Chain Power Ratings

The American Chain Association (ACA) first published power ratings for roller chain in 1961. After much research and analysis, the American Chain Association (ACA) has developed improved power ratings for ANSI Standard roller chains. They represent a notable upgrade to the original power ratings.
An image of the ACA Standard Handbook of Chains

Chains For Power Transmission and Material Handling

Purchase through the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA)

in Hard Copy or on CD – Price $125.00

An image of the Summary of Corrections to ACA Standard Handbook of Chains

Chains For Power Transmission and Material Handling – Errata Sheet

Summary of Corrections to ACA Standard Handbook of Chains